Meet Your ProofCON Keynotes


Inaugural Rebecca Wallin FASD Game Changer Keynote Address

Elizabeth Elliott
University of Sydney and Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network, Australia
NSW, Australia

In 2021, we are introducing a permanent feature in our annual conference lineup - the Rebecca Wallin FASD Game Changer Keynote Address. This keynote address recognizes and honors Rebecca Wallin, one of Proof Alliance’s strongest advocates and most generous benefactors.


Beginning in 2021, an internationally known speaker will be selected to present a keynote address that explores a topic that will improve the lives of people living with an FASD. As a reflection of Rebecca Wallin's tremendous impact on the field, The Rebecca Wallin FASD Game Changer Keynote Address will celebrate a true game changer in our community - whether it's highlighting groundbreaking new research, an exciting innnovation or a cutting-edge approach.

Opening Keynote Address


Sandy White Hawk
Elder in Residence/ICWA Consultant, Executive Director
First Nations Repatriation Institute
Richfield, MN

Friday Morning Keynote Address


Corinne Brown-Robinson, MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist
Woodbury, MN

Minnesota’s Premiere Screening Keynote Address


Justin Sheperd
The FASD Project
Conifer, CO

Marissa Lang
Senior Special Projects Coordinator
Proof Alliance
St Paul, MN

Da’Kota Markowski
Leader in the FASD community, Graduate of Creative Arts Secondary School
Menomonie, WI

Kristina Uban, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Public Health, University of California, Irvine
Conifer, CO

Jenn Wisdahl
Caregiver, Advocate
Orting, WA

Closing Keynote Address


CJ Lutke
Adult Leadership Committee (ALC)
FASD Changemakers
Maple Ridge, British Columbia

Myles Himmelreich
Adult Leadership Committee (ALC)
FASD Changemakers
Nanaimo, British Columbia

Katrina Griffin
Adult Leadership Committee (ALC)
FASD Changemakers
Richmond, British Columbia